Thursday, June 17, 2010


Its been a rough day. Life is ever changing and ever revolving and I just wasn't prepared for today. So I'm taking the time to reflect on it, maybe be sad for a little while, and then build myself back up and face tomorrow. I can do this because I have the love of my husband, the faith given to me by family, and the support of great friends.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Additions

So my sister-in-law, Beth, had a beautiful baby boy on May 30th! I may be biased, but he is quite possibly the cutest little boy in the whole world.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to be in the room at time of delivery.(I was present for Valerie's birth, his older sister) And I was very sad, but when you hold this little bundle of joy in your arms all that sadness just flys out the window.

And of course EVERYONE is again asking when we are going to start a family. If you ask my wonderful husband, he'll say 5 years. If you ask me, I'd say lets leave it in Gods hands and see what happens. For now, we are content to be here, in this life, just the two of us.

In the meantime, I'll have a blast snuggling the cutest addition to the family!

 **Luke Thomas Andreason**